Sunday, October 10, 2010


First off, let me say that I am one of the most liberal LDS members I know. I like to think I have an open mind and I try to be educated on both sides of most arguments just so I can understand where the other person is coming from. Initially I might keep on arguing but when I walk away from the issue I usually see more clearly and see where I could've opened my mind more and where I was mistaken.
I am a theatre girl, not to stereotype, but this usually means I'm surrounded by people who's opinions can differ greatly from mine on things like religion and morality. I am totally fine with that, in fact, I love it! I learn so much and I think I see both sides more easily because of it. I meet great people from all places in life. The only problem I have sometimes is that I am often the odd one out. I often find myself alone in my opinions and it can be frustrating when others refuse to give me the chance I am willing to give them. I am all about understanding but in my world right now it feels like the people with opposite opinions refuse to do what I am trying so hard to do, Understand.
You might know what I'm frustrated about at the moment and I know it's frustrating a lot of people on both sides of the issue. I am close
to and come in contact with many gay people, I am close to so many people who have loved ones that struggle with homosexuality. I am not removed from it, I am not homophobic, I have nothing against homosexual people. I have loved ones that are homosexual. I know with certainty that that is the position my church also holds.
At the same time, I, as a member of the LDS church, can't support acting upon those inclinations. Instead of going on and unintentionally offending anyone, I want to encourage you to visit the links I post below. I think they clear up a few of the misconceptions that have been spread this past week.

For those who are angry and offended with what President Packer said in General Conference I encourage you to get the whole story by reading his ENTIRE talk, making sure you are not getting anything out of context. I have yet to talk to someone who has.

I also would ask you to see how a gay member of the church is reacting to this and his feelings about the entire thing.

Finally, I feel
like this is such an important discussion for anyone concerned with this issue to read. All LDS members should see this and all non-members who are mad at the church or have questions about it should read this. It answers almost every question I've ever seen or been asked.

I hope as you read it you will have an open mind and be willing to understand a possibly different point of view. Whether you are LDS, religious, atheist, spiritual, or completely indifferent, I ask you to take a moment and ask yourself if the church is sending a message of hate. Listen to what the spirit, or your conscience tells you and I know you will have less anger and hate towards the other side and their beliefs in either case.

Peace & Love.

Two men I love :)